Irena SPA

Irena Lilianova - Certified Massage Therapist


Welcome at Irena SPA! Discover your wellness by the healing touch!

Don’t let injuries and pain problems get you down. You don’t have to suffer. Get immediate relief with an effective array of specific soft tissue techniques designed to get at the root of the problem.

Melt away your stress. Feel the tension just slip away as you experience a blissfully luxurious session, mixing a wonderful blend of Swedish massage techniques. Perfect if you really need to relax and let the tension unwind from your body.

Drop a ton of stress into a deeply relaxed state. Feel your muscles singing their happy song. Get your endorphins released and immune system activated by long flowing strokes for connection, integration and wholeness of your body, mind, emotions and spirit.

Relieve physical and emotional stress, muscle pains and headaches. Improve thinking and awareness. Increase energy and stamina. Build awareness of breathing and relaxing.

Membre of :

CATCM - Canadian Association of Therapists in Complementary Medicine QC

Esalen Massage and Bodywork Association CA

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals  CO    

Receipts for insurance.

Shower and Aromotherapy available. 

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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